Fan Art

Our friend Andrew made awesome fan art for the entire series. Alas, we had some webhosting problems, and a few of them have been lost. We're combing through our backups, but so far we have only been able to restore these two.

The peeps at Beloved by the Zeppo made us this piece of fanart, too. Yay!


The Destiny Lost series has won several awards over the years. Check them out! We also lost a few of the award graphics because of the webhosting snafu, but have restored the ones we could. All the others are just listed in text only form.

The Scooby Awards
(Hosted by The Very Suave Very Not Pathetic Slayerette Site, sadly this archive is no longer online)
Spring Term, 1999

The Stake 'Em Again Award
for Best Action
In the Space of a Heartbeat

The Hey, Where'd He Go? Award for Best Alternate Universe
In the Space of a Heartbeat

Principal Snyder's Welcoming Award for Best New Character
Sonya Parker

Missing Award Graphic

Linoleum Awards
(now called The White Knight Awards)

Best Xander/Buffy Fanfic
In the Space of a Heartbeat
WON (2nd Place)

Missing Award Graphic

Best Xander/Buffy Author
Sonya and carynsilver

Best Xander Series
Destiny Lost

B/X Awards
(Hosted by BX_Fanfic at Yahoogroups)

Best AU Author
Sonya and carynsilver